Change Log
- ITEM : Oh, I added dried kelp too. So it shouldn't look weird. =P
- BLOCK : Grass, Mycelium and Podzol Updated. (Should actually not suck now.)
- BLOCK : Added dried kelp block.
- BLOCK : Updated all crops to have indicator when fully grown.
- BLOCK : Nether portal updated. Had a glitch in it's glitch.
- BLOCK : Conduit block added.
- BLOCK : Sea Pickel added. (no-model)
- BLOCK : Doors adjusted.
- BLOCK : Trapdoors added.
- BLOCK : Chorus Flower texture fixed.
- BLOCK : Kelp block added.
- BLOCK : Coral block added. (I can't be bothered to do the fans as they are too... How should I put this... bothersome... ;))
- BLOCK : Stripped logs added.
- ITEM : Changed iron ingot texture.
- ITEM : Changed gold ingot texture. (More buttery now!)
- ITEM : Puffer fish updated. (Reduced Obesity)
- ITEM : Fish buckets added.
- ITEM : Kelp added.
- ITEM : Armor Stand added.
- MODEL : Trapdoor model added.
- MODEL : Anvil model added.
- GUI : Updated crafting recipes section.
- GUI : Added Realms GUI.
- ALL : Updated to 1.13 format. (A lot of file renaming... I need some kind of script to run to fix all the names.)